Top 5 Plants To Grow For Pregnant Women!
A healthy diet is extremely important especially when you are expecting! A diet with Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Iron, Folate/Folic Acid, and Calcium is especially important during this time.
A healthy diet is extremely important especially when you are expecting! A diet with Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Iron, Folate/Folic Acid, and Calcium is especially important during this time.
For those who have either been diagnosed with cancer or those looking to prevent cancer from occurring, a healthy diet is essential. If you have a current diagnosis it is very important to be in communication with your physician regarding any special diet that you need to be on. Some cancer-fighting plants include those that are high in vitamin E, manganese, selenium, glutathoine, phenolic acid, and other antioxidants.
Growing food in your backyard can help you not only by eating the food you have grown, but the lifestyle associated with it! We have found that gardening has helped us to lose weight simply by being outside, more active, and drinking more water!
Heart health refers to those who are concerned about high blood pressure, cholesterol, or heart disease.
A lot of people start to complain about their bones and joints aching when the weather changes seasons. If you are one of these people or simply want to help support your bone and joint health, check out what plants are best to grow in your garden below! We have found that simply gardening itself has helped us start to feel better by eating a healthier diet, being outside more, and being more active!
The keto diet is a popular diet in which you eat foods that are high in fat and low in carbs. It has been suggested that the keto diet may have some benefits for those with diabetes, cancer, epilepsy, and Altzheimer’s disease as well.
The sawfly larvae can be quite a nuisance for fruit trees and bushes. The flies (which look similar to wasps, but don’t sting) are hardly seen, but lay their eggs in the late spring in the leaves of trees. The larvae will then emerge in the summer looking similar to slugs. These can cause serious damage at this stage and take down an entire tree if left unchecked! Treatments Include: Adult sawflies can lay dormant […]
According to the Alzheimer’s Association, the amount of people with Alzheimer’s is growing fast with currently 5.8 million Americans diagnosed. Some foods can help to support brain function and promote memory retention.
Gooseberries are small, extremely healthy berries that grow on a bush. They are extremely beautiful and sometimes grown simply as an ornamental because they are so pretty and simple to grow!
Leaf-footed bugs are approximately 1 inch long, some with a white zigzag pattern on their wings. They have long legs similar to a cricket with an oval shaped body. They are recognizable by their hind legs which look leaf-like. They have piercing mouthparts which probe into plants to suck their juices. This can cause discoloration and damage to the plants.