zucchini pasta

Zucchini Pasta

Zucchini pasta is one of my personal favorites to eat. It gives me the feeling of eating pasta, but still being very healthy!

Strawberries blog post

Strawberries: How to Grow and When to Plant in Your Backyard or Patio Garden!

Strawberries are one of our favorite things to grow! The sweetness and flavor in home-grown strawberries simply can’t be beaten! They’re easy to grow and will come back year after year and continue to spread. Strawberries are one of the few plants that we don’t even attempt to grow from seed. It takes up to three years for a plant to produce fruit, so it’s generally better to buy transplants from the nursery instead of starting from seed.

Cancer blog post

Top 5 Cancer-Fighting Foods to Grow in Your Garden!

For those who have either been diagnosed with cancer or those looking to prevent cancer from occurring, a healthy diet is essential. If you have a current diagnosis it is very important to be in communication with your physician regarding any special diet that you need to be on. Some cancer-fighting plants include those that are high in vitamin E, manganese, selenium, glutathoine, phenolic acid, and other antioxidants.

garden rice

Rice: How We Make It Taste Great With Plants From Our Garden!

The beauty of rice and having a garden is that you can make this recipe unique every single time you make it! We grow a lot of our own herbs to use in the kitchen right in our backyard and patio. You can as well! It’s easy to do- especially with the From Seed to Spoon app which will walk you through how to start growing all the way from seed to your spoon in the kitchen!


Avocado: How to Grow and When to Plant in Your Backyard or Patio Garden!

Avocado is a tasty and unique addition to any garden or indoor grow area! Although most avocado trees do best in moderate temperatures, there are some that can tolerate freezing temperatures. Avocado can be planted by seed or transplanted from a nursery. It’s more of a guaranteed method by taking a graft from a tree. A transplant could produce fruit within 2-3 years, whereas if you grow from seeds it can take 8 or more years.