the best plants to grow to boost your immunity

Top 5 Plants You Can Grow in Your Garden to Boost Your Immune System

Whether you are feeling under the weather or you are just trying to stay healthy, eating a diet with fruits and vegetables is essential! Maintaining a healthy diet is essential to boost your immune system and fight off sickness. You can even grow most of these plants right in your own backyard!
Whether you are feeling under the weather or you are just trying to stay healthy, eating a diet with fruits and vegetables is essential! Maintaining a healthy diet is essential to boost your immune system and fight off sickness. You can even grow most of these plants right in your own backyard!
Eating a healthy diet can help to keep your immune system strong and keep you healthy! Immune support can be achieved with the intake of vitamin c, zinc, carvacrol, quercentin, and other antioxidants.
See all of the plants that you can grow that help to boost your immune support and help with other health conditions in our free iOS and Android app!

Citrus fruits are something that everyone always thinks about when they get sick! Help to boost your immune system by loading up with vitamin C from these citrus fruits. This includes plants such as oranges, lemons, pomegranates, apricots, grapefruit, tangerines and limes.

While our weather doesn’t allow us to grow these trees in our backyard all year long, we keep them out in the summer and then move them indoors during the cold months. You can do the same if you plant them in a moveable pot! We use large Smart Pots that have handles so we can move them easily back and forth as needed.

Check out our favorite way to consume a lot of vitamin C with our recipe for Citrus Soda Water!

This super simple recipe has changed our life and helped us also kick our unhealthy soda habit!

Peppers are a great source of vitamin C as well! These peppers include banana, bell, hot, and sweet peppers. These peppers are easy to grow yourself in warm conditions and will give you A LOT of peppers!

Cruciferous veggies are a great addition to a healthy diet adding in a lot of vitamin A, C, E, antioxidants, and fiber! Cruciferous veggies include broccoli, bok choy, cabbage, brussel sprouts, kale, and cauliflower. Try these plants raw for the most nutritional value!

Garlic has many medicinal properties, one of the best includes immune support! This can help you stay healthy and also make you feel better when you are sick. 

Garlic is easy to grow yourself! When you do this you will have more garlic than you know what to do with!! Check out how to grow it here. 

Ginger is a great addition to your diet to help you when you are under the weather! Ginger is a strong antioxidant and adds lots of vitamins. Many people are not aware that you can grow ginger yourself! Check it out now! 

Learn more about growing over 100 different foods, including how to manage various pests in our FREE iOS, Android, or Universal Web App!

This content is for informational purposes and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard your professional medical advice or deal in seeking it. It’s important to note that each person is different and their body will react to foods differently. See what works best with your body and discuss with a physician if you have any questions.



2 thoughts on “Top 5 Plants You Can Grow in Your Garden to Boost Your Immune System

  1. Many home garden stores have seeds or starter plants that you can put in your own garden it’s great if we can plant them at our own backyard to save money as well.

  2. Ginger is perfect for immunity; if anyone is suffering from a cold, they can drink ginger tea, which is beneficial. Do you think anyone who cannot grow all the veggies suggested can buy it or use any good immunity supplement?

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