Why Garlic is the Ultimate Companion Plant for Your Garden!

Garlic isn’t just a staple in the kitchen; it’s also a powerhouse in the garden. Known for its strong aroma and distinct flavor, garlic offers more than just culinary delights. It’s a fantastic companion plant, providing numerous benefits to your garden. In this article, we’ll explore why garlic should be a go-to companion plant and how it can transform your gardening experience.

The Ultimate Seed Starting Guide for Cool Weather Plants

As the seasons change, so does the garden. Cool weather crops offer the opportunity to extend the growing season and enjoy fresh produce beyond the typical summer months. This guide provides detailed instructions for starting and caring for a variety of cool-weather crops available from Park Seed, ensuring your garden thrives even as temperatures drop.

Top Plants to Harvest When You’re Feeling Sick

Watch Video As gardeners, we know the benefits of growing our own fruits and vegetables. Not only do they taste fresh and delicious, but they also provide us with important vitamins and minerals that help keep us healthy. And when we’re feeling under the weather, our gardens can come to the rescue! Here are some of the best foods to harvest from your garden when you’re feeling sick: Leafy greens: Spinach and kale are rich […]


2018 OKC Home & Garden Show: What I Learned From Talking to People About Growing Food

We had a lot of fun at the OKC Home & Garden show last weekend! We went there to help spread the word about the app, to get kids interested in gardening, and to help inspire people to start growing food. I had A LOT of conversations about growing food and began to notice a common theme among the topics. I have this huge list of features I want to add to our mobile app but I’ve struggled to decide what to work on first. Last weekend clarified the biggest challenges facing new gardeners and helped me focus my attention on the most important problems. Here’s what I learned from talking to people for 30 hours straight this weekend about growing food and the challenges they face.