Celery: How to Grow and When to Plant in Your Backyard or Patio Garden!
Celery is known to be one of the most difficult vegetables to grow in your garden. It takes a long time, but the reward will be quite tasty!
Celery is known to be one of the most difficult vegetables to grow in your garden. It takes a long time, but the reward will be quite tasty!
The most characteristic feature of this fast-moving reddish-brown to black insect is the pair of approximately an inch long pincers at the tip of a long abdomen. Earwigs thrive in tight, dark, moist places such as under stones, in mulch, soil, (compost & vermicompost bins), and anywhere there is an accumulation of plant debris.
Trying to stay healthy can always be quite the challenge. It can also be like pulling teeth to get kids to eat their daily recommended servings of fruits and vegetables. Luckily, with these juices, it makes it so much easier! My kids all love these juices and enjoy drinking them with us. Typically, I make a large amount in the morning of whatever fruits and veggies we have on hand and we all drink on […]
The great thing about this garden stir fry is that you can make it unique each time with different veggies never growing tired of it!
The carrot rust fly looks similar to the common house-fly with a dark-green body and yellow extremities and head. The carrot rust fly itself doesn’t do the damage, but their larvae is particularly bad for your plants. The adults lay their eggs early spring on the surface of the soil then the pests hatch a couple days later as creamy white larvae and tunnel into the roots of your plants causing slow growth and sometimes death.
Leaf miners that affect vegetables refers to a small gray-yellow fly. These flies lay tiny white eggs that turn into green maggots. These maggots can destroy the leaves of the plants in your garden.
These slimy creatures will eat just about anything in the garden. Slugs and snails typically will come out during the night time or on cloudy days. They are fairly easy to manage in your garden with these steps!
This update adds the new “Getting Started” tab that walks you through setting up a new garden. We’ve also added over 20 foods and pests to the app as well as numerous enhancements throughout, many of which were made based on your feedback! Click on the blog post to read about all of the changes made in this update.
When we make a whole chicken we always save all the bones and use them to create our own chicken bone broth!
These vegetable/fruit juices are incredible because you can continue to switch it up to get different tastes and keep staying healthy! Try all sorts of combinations!