Garden Vegetable Stir Fry

Stir fry has long been one of my favorite meals. Once we started a garden, this meal has gone from good to absolutely amazing! I started experimenting with what I could put in here from the garden and it has been fantastic! Each season there are different vegetables that can be added in to keep the flavor fresh and unique. This way you won’t get tired of the same meal and be able to keep eating it! We discovered last season that we could eat broccoli and cabbage leaves and the addition of this is incredible- you will be shocked! The list can go on and on of the different ingredients from the garden you can use! Broccoli (including the leaves), cabbage leaves, onions, garlic, chives, peas, beans, carrots, cilantro, okra, peppers, spinach, kale… the list can go on and on! Be creative and throw a bunch of items from your garden in!

When I make this recipe, I make a lot extra so we can keep eating on it for the next couple days as well. It is always a big hit even with all the kids! I was actually told the other day by our “super-picky” eater that it was the best she had ever had!

stir fry

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Garden Vegetable Stir Fry
The great thing about this garden stir fry is that you can make it unique each time with different veggies never growing tired of it!
stir fry
Course Main Dish
Cuisine Asian
Prep Time 10-15 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Course Main Dish
Cuisine Asian
Prep Time 10-15 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
stir fry
  1. Heat sesame oil in large pan
  2. Break the eggs into mixing bowl and scramble
  3. Add the rice into preheated pan and stir until slightly brown in color (approx 3 minutes)
  4. Add the chicken broth and soy sauce with the rice and cover
  5. Leave aside to simmer on stove on medium for approx 20 minutes
  6. Pull out all of the veggies you want to put in your stir fry. Slice up chosen veggies to small size (or utilize food processor to cut it down with less work and time)
  7. Heat a wok (or any large skillet) on medium-high with sesame oil to sauté chosen vegetables
  8. Sauté onions and garlic first until caramelized (slightly brown) then add in all other veggies and sauté
  9. Add in cooked chicken to vegetable mixture to heat up
  10. Once rice is finished, combine both to create the ultimate incredible stir fry and ENJOY!!
Recipe Notes

Items we use for this recipe: Wok: Ninja food processor:

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