
Tomatoes (Determinate/Bush): How to Grow and When to Plant in Your Backyard or Patio Garden!

Tomatoes are fun to grow and even more fun to eat! The wide usage of tomatoes makes this one of our favorite things to grow in the garden. Bush tomatoes (or determinate tomatoes) only grow to 3 or 4 feet tall, but they bush out and require caging. Beware of the tomato hornworm, though. He is a feisty fellow that can take out an entire tomato plant in a day!

Seed Starting March

Growing Food in March: The Most Common Plants to Start

March is one of our favorite months of the year. Life is beginning to emerge from the cold of February, and new sprouts are everywhere! In March, we’re starting many things directly from seed outdoors, and continuing to plant new rounds of spring seeds indoorsto transplant later. The climate is different in every location and you can see specific dates for your location using our FREE iOS, Android, and Universal Web App.

Bone & Joint Helath

Top 5 Plants to Grow to Promote Bone & Joint Health!

A lot of people start to complain about their bones and joints aching when the weather changes seasons. If you are one of these people or simply want to help support your bone and joint health, check out what plants are best to grow in your garden below! We have found that simply gardening itself has helped us start to feel better by eating a healthier diet, being outside more, and being more active!