Keto Health

The Top 5 Plants to Grow & Eat for the Keto Low-Carb Diet

The keto diet is a popular diet in which you eat foods that are high in fat and low in carbs. It has been suggested that the keto diet may have some benefits for those with diabetes, cancer, epilepsy, and Altzheimer's disease as well.
The keto diet is a popular diet in which you eat foods that are high in fat and low in carbs. It has been suggested that the keto diet may have some benefits for those with diabetes, cancer, epilepsy, and Altzheimer’s disease as well.
See all the fruits, vegetables, and herbs that are known to be part of the keto diet in our FREE iOS, Android, or Universal Web App!
Cauliflower is amazing because it can be a great replacement for mashed potatoes and dishes of the same consistency. This can help to fool you when you are craving those carbs!
Along with cauliflower, other cruciferous veggies can be helpful with those cravings while still keeping you low in carbs. Other examples of cruciferous vegetables would include broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, bok choy and kohlrabi.
Leafy greens such as spinach, kale, collard greens, and lettuce are amazing for a keto diet! Not only will they help to fill you up, but will add a lot of nutrients into your diet.
If you are craving something sweet, berries are a terrific food for you! This will help you to get your sweet craving in and still adding in lots of extra nutrients. Be careful to not eat a crazy amount though because they still will add some carbs! Berries can include strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, elderberries, goji berries, and gooseberries.
Asparagus is a great addition to your keto diet! It is extremely low carb and helps to provide bulk and nutrients into your diet.

Learn more about growing over 100 different foods, including how to manage various pests in our FREE iOS, Android, or Universal Web App!

This content is for informational purposes and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard your professional medical advice or deal in seeking it. It’s important to note that each person is different and their body will react to foods differently. See what works best with your body and discuss with a physician if you have any questions.



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