
How to Manage Earwigs!

The most characteristic feature of this fast-moving reddish-brown to black insect is the pair of approximately an inch long pincers at the tip of a long abdomen. Earwigs thrive in tight, dark, moist places such as under stones, in mulch, soil, (compost & vermicompost bins), and anywhere there is an accumulation of plant debris.

Inflammation blog post

Top 5 Plants & Vegetables to Grow & Eat to Help With Inflammation

Inflammation is the reaction that occurs within our body to help our body heal. Whether you have a minor wound, pain, or chronic inflammation causing cancer, a healthy diet can help to make you start to feel better. Exercise can also help to promote an anti-inflammatory response (unless otherwise contraindicated). Anti-inflammatory effects can be seen with the intake of omega-3 and some antioxidants.!