Building Shade Walls

Building an EASY DIY Afternoon Shade / Windbreak Wall

It’s too hot now to use the water jugs for wind protection so it’s time to build a shade/windbreak wall. Brooklyn and I were able to build this in less than 10 minutes using materials we already had laying around. Dale SpoonemoreDale Spoonemore is the visionary co-founder of “From Seed to Spoon,” a groundbreaking platform that has revolutionized the way individuals approach gardening. His journey from a novice gardener to a leading advocate for sustainable […]


Building a Living Wall to Shade Our Raised Beds from the Afternoon Sun

I built a “living wall” for the west side of my raised beds. I plan to grow beans, cucumbers, and other vining crops up the trellis to provide shade for everything in the bed during the afternoon heat. Click here to learn more about why we started using shade as an ally in the summer.   Dale SpoonemoreDale Spoonemore is the visionary co-founder of “From Seed to Spoon,” a groundbreaking platform that has revolutionized the […]