Cancer blog post

Top 5 Cancer-Fighting Foods to Grow in Your Garden!

For those who have either been diagnosed with cancer or those looking to prevent cancer from occurring, a healthy diet is essential. If you have a current diagnosis it is very important to be in communication with your physician regarding any special diet that you need to be on. Some cancer-fighting plants include those that are high in vitamin E, manganese, selenium, glutathoine, phenolic acid, and other antioxidants.

Inflammation blog post

Top 5 Plants & Vegetables to Grow & Eat to Help With Inflammation

Inflammation is the reaction that occurs within our body to help our body heal. Whether you have a minor wound, pain, or chronic inflammation causing cancer, a healthy diet can help to make you start to feel better. Exercise can also help to promote an anti-inflammatory response (unless otherwise contraindicated). Anti-inflammatory effects can be seen with the intake of omega-3 and some antioxidants.!

Sawflies blog post

How to Manage Sawflies Organically in Your Backyard Garden!

The sawfly larvae can be quite a nuisance for fruit trees and bushes. The flies (which look similar to wasps, but don’t sting) are hardly seen, but lay their eggs in the late spring in the leaves of trees. The larvae will then emerge in the summer looking similar to slugs. These can cause serious damage at this stage and take down an entire tree if left unchecked! Treatments Include: Adult sawflies can lay dormant […]