Mental Health blog post

Top 5 Plants to Grow to Help Improve Your Anxiety & Depression

Eating a healthy diet is essential for those who struggle with anxiety and depression. By limiting the amount of sugar and eating more vegetables you may notice a change fast!
Mental health refers to decreasing symptoms of anxiety and/or depression. Eating a healthy diet is essential for those who struggle with anxiety and depression. By limiting the amount of sugar and eating more vegetables you may notice a change fast! A diet with Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), B12, B6 (Pyridoxine), Folate/Folic Acid, Panthothenic Acid, and other herbs can be helpful to relieve some of these symptoms.
This topic is near and dear to us because this was the main reason why we started growing food in the first place. Dale struggled for awhile with anxiety and depression (read his full story here). We started to introduce healthier foods into our diet. It got expensive quickly so we started growing it to help us save money. We found that the gardening itself helped his anxiety and depression significantly as well! Just by simply going out in the garden helped improve Dale’s mental health by getting sunshine, living a more active lifestyle, and drinking more water! Check out which plants we feel are the most important to grow for your mental health below!
Asparagus has a very high level of folate which can help to boost your mood!
Berries such as blueberries, blackberries, elderberries, gooseberries, goji berries, and raspberries are a good source of antioxidants and vitamins. This is helpful in both prevention and reduction of anxiety!
Kale, along with other dark leafy greens like Spinach, are extremely healthy for you to eat and add antioxidants into your diet.
Turmeric is known to lower stress hormones and decrease inflammation in the brain. It also is a powerful antioxidant!
Chamomile tea is commonly associated with relaxing qualities!

See all the fruits, vegetables, and herbs that are known to be a great addition into your diet to improve mental health in our FREE iOS, Android, or Universal Web App!

This content is for informational purposes and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard your professional medical advice or deal in seeking it. It’s important to note that each person is different and their body will react to foods differently. See what works best with your body and discuss with a physician if you have any questions.



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