10 Winter Gardening Tips for a Successful Harvest

Winter gardening can be a rewarding and delicious way to extend your growing season and enjoy fresh produce even in the coldest months. However, it can also be challenging, with frost, freezing temperatures, and shorter days all working against your plants. Fortunately, with the right knowledge and tools, you can successfully grow a winter garden and reap the benefits of fresh, homegrown food even in the dead of winter. Here are 10 tips for a […]

Winter Gardening: The UItimate Guide to Success

Winter can be a challenging time for gardeners, but with the right planning and tools, you can still grow delicious, healthy food in the colder months. And with the From Seed to Spoon app, it’s even easier to navigate the winter gardening season. One key to success in winter gardening is choosing the right crops. Cold-hardy vegetables like spinach, kale, and carrots can handle the chill and continue to grow in the colder months. You […]


Tomatoes (Indeterminate/Vining): How to Grow and When to Plant in Your Backyard or Patio Garden!

Tomatoes are fun to grow and even more fun to eat! The wide usage of tomatoes makes this one of our favorite things to grow in the garden. Vining tomatoes (or indeterminate tomatoes) grow indefinitely until it freezes. Because of this, they require trellising on a tall support structure. Beware of the tomato hornworm, though. He is a fiesty fellow that can take out an entire tomato plant in a day!


Tomatoes (Determinate/Bush): How to Grow and When to Plant in Your Backyard or Patio Garden!

Tomatoes are fun to grow and even more fun to eat! The wide usage of tomatoes makes this one of our favorite things to grow in the garden. Bush tomatoes (or determinate tomatoes) only grow to 3 or 4 feet tall, but they bush out and require caging. Beware of the tomato hornworm, though. He is a feisty fellow that can take out an entire tomato plant in a day!