December monthly article

December: Preparing For Our Growing Season

During the holiday season, we're focusing more on our upcoming season than what we're currently growing.

During the holiday season, we’re focusing more on our upcoming season than what we’re currently growing. By this time, our outside plants are pretty much dormant and not producing a lot. We’re focusing more on planning our early spring crops and getting all of our supplies together! This is also a great time to splurge and buy yourself those garden supplies that you’ve been wanting!


For a beginner gardener, we recommend starting small with a few Smart Pots. If you haven’t seen these fabric raised beds before, check them out on our free iOS & Android app or on our website at These are super easy to set up- you simply unfold and place where you want to have a garden! The smaller ones are also moveable so you can place them anywhere and then move them around as desired. These Smart Pots would make a great stocking stuffer for any gardener!

Seeding square

One of our favorite garden gadgets is the seeding square. This small square is great for those learning square foot gardening. This method is great for those with a smaller growing space that want to maximize their growing room! We have square foot gardening recommendations for each plant throughout our app. Our kids love this device and call it their “toy”. It helps our kids with counting and color matching as well! There are links to purchase these seeding squares throughout our app- check it out!

rosemary wreath

One of our favorite holiday garden crafts is making a rosemary wreath! It not only looks absolutely beautiful but smells incredible too! If you have lots of rosemary this works great as a gift to give others in this holiday season!

We love to make DIY presents for our friends and family! One of our favorites is including our dried luffa that we grew over the summer and including this as a sponge with some homemade sugar scrub!


We hope you have a great holiday season and enjoy garden planning for the upcoming growing season! Make sure to download our free iOS and Android app to help plan ahead for spring! December is when we are usually starting to feel the effects of all of the holiday food and we are starting to plan our garden for next year accordingly. Our app helps you figure out what plants you should grow based on over 25 different health-centered reasons for growing. Once you narrow down the list you can choose what plants you want to start with and our plants will guide you through all of the information you need to start growing your own food!




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