Cucumbers: Top 5 Companion Plants to Help Repel Pests & Improve Your Cucumber’s Health!
Watch this video to learn more about the top 5 best companion plants for your cucumber plants!
Watch this video to learn more about the top 5 best companion plants for your cucumber plants!
Join Dale & Carrie to learn about which foods you can grow in the summer!
June is our wettest month, but don’t let that fool you because July and August’s heat is right around the corner. This makes June the perfect month to get drip irrigation set up for the upcoming months.
The sawfly larvae can be quite a nuisance for fruit trees and bushes. The flies (which look similar to wasps, but don’t sting) are hardly seen, but lay their eggs in the late spring in the leaves of trees. The larvae will then emerge in the summer looking similar to slugs. These can cause serious damage at this stage and take down an entire tree if left unchecked! Treatments Include: Adult sawflies can lay dormant […]
Predatory Trichogramma Wasps are tiny parasitic wasps that attack insects in your garden. Trichogramma wasps lay eggs into harmful insects (especially tomato hornworms!) for your garden and kill them before the insect kills your plant.