Mealybug blog post

Garden Pests: How to Manage Mealybugs in Your Vegetable Garden

Mealybugs are a small, white, soft-bodied insect typically found in the garden in warmer climates. Mealybugs will feed on plants by sucking sap out of them causing the leaves to yellow and curl. You may notice the plant getting sticky from the honeydew and this will attract ants as well. This blog post talks about how you can manage mealybugs in your garden with our free From Seed to Spoon mobile app!

Pillbug blog post

Garden Pests: How To Manage Pillbugs (Roly Polys) in Your Backyard Vegetable Garden

Pillbugs, often called Roly Polys, can be commonly found in your garden. They are typically only a pest if there is an excess of them. These crustaceans are very important in the decomposition process in your garden. They like to feed primarily upon decaying matter but can also feed on seedlings or fruits/vegetables sitting on the ground if there is a lot in your garden.