Planting Beans

Planting Bush Beans and Protecting Them from Insects

We moved out “raised beds on legs” over to the east side of the house so they’ll be shaded from the afternoon sun. We planted 4 rows of beans in each using the square foot gardening spacing of 9 per square foot. After planting them, we moved our PVC dome’s over and replaced the plastic sheeting with insect netting that’ll hopefully keep bugs out and provide a bit of a break from the sun as well. […]


Why Mulching is So Important!

I talked about not using mulch as being one of our biggest rookie mistakes a few months ago. To find out just how big of a difference it makes in the surface temperature of the soil, I took our temperature gun out to the gardenl. I didn’t quite expect this dramatic of a difference in mulched vs non-mulched areas!


Anxiety, Mindfulness, and How I Learned to Let Go of Fear

Note: I wrote the story below last year before we started the blog. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately and wanted to share. I’ve found mindfulness to be a key component to battling anxiety and depression and I hope this helps someone out there.  Last Christmas Eve we found out my wife Carrie was pregnant. Life couldn’t have been better. 14 days later I agonized in the hospital waiting room as the love […]


Update on Our “Three Sisters” Planting

The Native Americans planted corn, beans, and squash together as the “Three Sisters”. The corn grew tall and provided support for the beans. The beans grew up the corn, provided support, and fed the soil nitrogen. And lastly, the squash vines throughout the area, shaded the soil and prevented weeds from growing. We planted corn a few weeks ago and now it’s time to start the beans.  Previous video about this: 


FREE Kids Gardening Festival at Marcum’s Nursery on Saturday, May 27! – REGISTRATION FULL

Update: we’ve had an overwhelming response and have reached our capacity for this event. Please stay tuned for future events if you missed out on this one. Thank you to everyone that’s signed up and shared this event! We’re looking forward to it and have a lot of great things planned Date/Time Saturday, May 27, 2017 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am Location Marcum’s Nursery 2121 SW 119th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73170 The wonderful […]


This Little Girl Saved My Life

This was me in 2009 with my first daughter, Brooklyn. I lived on a fast food diet, never exercised, and dealt with numerous health issues as a result of my lifestyle. Her birth lit within me a fire within that still drives me today to live different. I felt like it wasn’t fair for me to commit to bringing a new life into the world if I’m not doing everything I can to take care […]