Strawberries blog post

Strawberries: How to Grow and When to Plant in Your Backyard or Patio Garden!

Strawberries are one of our favorite things to grow! The sweetness and flavor in home-grown strawberries simply can’t be beaten! They’re easy to grow and will come back year after year and continue to spread. Strawberries are one of the few plants that we don’t even attempt to grow from seed. It takes up to three years for a plant to produce fruit, so it’s generally better to buy transplants from the nursery instead of starting from seed.


Lavender: How to Grow and When to Plant in Your Backyard or Patio Garden!

Lavender is a beautiful bush that can be planted either in a raised bed or around your beds as a shrub. Its distinctive aroma is very pleasing and will attract all sorts of pollinators to your garden! It’s a wonderful companion plant for repelling slugs/snails, moths (such as cabbage moths), and deer as well. This blog post talks about how you can grow your own lavender using our free mobile app!

Opossums blog post

Critters: How Opossums (Possums) are Beneficial Garden Helpers!

Opossums (or possums) are nocturnal creatures that are generally good and beneficial to have in your garden! They help to get rid of ticks, cockroaches, snakes (even venomous ones), slugs/snails, rats, mice, and insects. Opossums will generally stay away from your garden as they prefer plants that are starting to rot, so they can actually a benefit in your garden by cleaning up the rotting fruit or vegetables! Many people get intimidated when they hiss, […]