Beneficial Nematodes blog post

What the Nematode? How These Soil Dwellers Regulate the Underworld

Beneficial nematodes enter pests through the skin and once they are inside they release bacteria to kill the insect. These nematodes do not harm ladybugs, earthworms, or other beneficial insects and are harmless to plants and humans. Beneficial nematodes help to control countless pests including fire ants, flea beetles, cabbage root maggots, corn earworms, cucumber beetles, onion maggots, white grubs, cutworms, and wireworms.

Bush Beans blog post

Beans (Bush): How to Grow and When to Plant in Your Backyard or Patio Garden!

You can grow beans as snap beans, shell beans or dry beans. They are extremely easy to grow and will always be a staple on our garden. We plant new rounds of them every 3 weeks from spring until the end of summer. How to Grow: Bush beans can be planted as soon as the last spring frost has occurred until 10 weeks before first fall frost. In milder climates, bush beans can be planted […]