
I’m Talking About Indoor Seed Starting on 01/26/18 at the Oklahoma Organic Gardening Association

I’ll be talking about why and how to start vegetable seeds indoors on January 26th at the Oklahoma Organic Gardening Association. I’ll also bring examples of DIY seed starting stations that can be built without breaking the bank! Here’s a link to a video that details how we built our 1000+ seed starting station for less than $100! Check out the link below for more info about the event and OOGA! Indoor Seed Starting – […]

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OOGA Presentation – How We Converted Our Backyard From an Urban Lawn into Gardens to Feed Our Family of 6 in 2 years!

Thank you to the Oklahoma Organic Gardening Association for allowing me to speak tonight about how we converted our backyard from a lawn into gardens to grow food for our family of 6 in 2 years! I covered pretty much everything we’ve learned over the past 2 years and I’m excited to share our journey with everyone! As I’ve talked about in the blog post about why we started From Seed to Spoon and in […]